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Enhancing Contract Logistics

Enhancing Contract Logistics | JEL

 What is Contract Logistics? Contract Logistics definition states that the outsourcing of logistics-related tasks such as distribution, transporting, and warehousing to a specialized third-party provider, who manages parts of a supply chain under a contractual agreement. Supply chain management activities such as its designing and planning, warehousing, inventory management, or even certain aspects of customer […]

How Effective is Milk Run Logistics

 What is Milk Run Logistics? Milk run logistics is a transportation plan in which a vehicle is used to run around a circuit to pick or drop items according to a predetermined schedule. It is similar to a milkman who delivers his products at a routine to different places in society. This approach saves time, […]

AI in Logistics Driving Innovation

AI in Logistics Driving Innovation | JEL

What is Artificial Intelligence in Logistics? AI plays a prominent role in shaping the future of the logistics industry, as it has streamlined operations such as inventory management, order processing, and distribution of goods, and is constantly seeking ways to improve it. The 2010s witnessed AI’s first tiny steps with the addition of autonomous vehicles, […]

Supply Chain Management in Agriculture

Supply Chain Management in Agriculture | JEL

 Supply Chain Management in Agriculture: Agriculture is usually not viewed through the industry lens, as most people presume it involves the farmer cultivating and selling crops to people and industries, with the latter utilizing them to manufacture their products. However, it involves a lot more, with companies setting up their farms. The food industry is […]

Optimize Supply Chain Transparency

Optimize Supply Chain Transparency | JEL

What is Supply Chain Transparency: Supply chain transparency means that the information concerning the sourcing of the supplies, right from the origin to the finished product, is made available a consumers. It entails revealing information on the sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution of goods and services. While this reduces the rigidity in the organization, it fosters […]

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Sustainable Supply Chain Management | JEL

Sustainable Supply Chain Management: The 1980s witnessed the naming of supply chain management by Keith Oliver, a prominent British logistician, and its widespread implementation worldwide. Industries have immensely benefited from it, saving time and increasing profits. However, the quote ‘When consumed too much, even nectar becomes poison’ stays prominent with everything consumed at every stage, […]

Importance of Agile Supply Chain

Importance of Agile Supply Chain | JEL

What is Agile Supply Chain? An Agile Supply Chain can be described as a highly sensitive and efficient supply chain that can respond and adjust to new market patterns and trends. It concentrates on speed, flexibility, and effectiveness to enable businesses to provide customers with what they want. This strategy helps to eliminate long lead […]

All About  Food Supply Chain in India

All About Food Supply Chain in India | JEL

What is the Food Supply Chain? The food chain refers to the food system and pathways through which food items are produced, processed, preserved, marketed, and utilized. There is production of agricultural raw materials, processing and packaging of the raw materials, transportation of the final product, and retail selling and consumption by the end user. […]

Dropshipping vs E-commerce

Streamline Warehousing and Distribution | JEL

 What is E-commerce and Dropshipping? Myntra, Amazon, Flipkart, Meesho, and other online-based companies are some of the major players in the e-commerce industry, which involves the exchange of goods and services and the transaction of funds over the digital world. Dropshipping functions in a similar manner, except the sellers are mostly entrepreneurs looking to earn […]

Streamline Warehousing and Distribution

Streamline Warehousing and Distribution | JEL

What is Warehousing and Distribution: Warehousing is a function or activity that is concerned with the proper storage of goods or merchandise in a central place this is a warehouse. Transportation is the movement of these goods to the end user which could be a supermarket, a single client, or another depot. In combination, they […]

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